Powder brush TAURO Pro Line, wooden, with natural wool bristles, 4.5 x 5.5 cm


The Tauro Pro Line natural bristle brush is the perfect choice for owners who respect their pets' fur and skin, as well as for professional pet groomers who do their job flawlessly.

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SKU: TPLY63246

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The Tauro Pro Line natural bristle brush is the perfect choice for owners who respect their pets’ fur and skin, as well as for professional pet groomers who do their job flawlessly.

Natural bristles

Often, synthetic bristles cause allergies and skin irritation, but the bristles of the Tauro Pro Line brush are made from natural wool fibres. As a result, the risk of allergies and skin irritation is reduced.


There are many different uses for the brush: It can be used to easily clean your pet’s shedding coat, and is very useful after grooming procedures when you need to clean your four-legged pet’s muzzle. It’s also a great tool for spreading powder on your pet’s fur or on its paws.

Convenient to use

The Tauro Pro Line brush is compact,and lightweight and easy to grip, thus you won’t strain your wrist while brushing your pet.


  • Dimensions: 4.5×5.5 cm.
  • Colour: dark wood.
  • With natural wool bristles.

Manufacturer: Tauro Pro Line.



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