Bowl for pets, plastic, cream, size S


Exclusive design, durable bowl for animal food and water is a great choice for everyday pet care.

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Dodaj na seznam želja
Osebni prevzem je možen v Grajena 28C na Ptuju od pon. do pet. med 8.00 in 16.00 uro.
Paket za prevzem pripravimo običajno v roku 1 ure po oddaji naročila.
Deli s prijatelji

Exclusive design, durable bowl for animal food and water is a great choice for everyday pet care.

Without BPA

Suitable for contact with food, without BPA. Do not use at high temperatures, for example in a microwave oven. In addition, resistant to environmental influences, so suitable for use both at home and outdoors.

Easy maintenance

The bowl is easy to clean, maintain and can be washed in the dishwasher.


  • Material – plastic.
  • Size: S, L.
  • Color : beige.

Made in China.



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