Drying and cooling pet towel, 64×43 cm, blue


Tauro Pro Line cooling and moisture absorbing towel.

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Osebni prevzem je možen v Grajena 28C na Ptuju od pon. do pet. med 8.00 in 16.00 uro.
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SKU: JOY63237

You can find more information about the full range of the Tauro Pro Line HERE.

This towel is for different species of animals. This is a great way to keep your pet clean. This towel is also ideal if you need to cool your pet.

Highest quality

The towel is made of extremely high-quality fabric that absorbs moisture well.


The towel can even perform several functions. It dries the fur and absorbs moisture if the animal gets wet. Also – it is especially useful on summer days, as it cools perfectly if the animal is hot.

Easy to use

The towel does not take up much space, so it is convenient to use both at home and on the go.

For various pets

The towel is for different species of animals.


Dimensions: 66×43 cm.
Color: yellow, blue, pink, purple, green.

Made in China.



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