Misoko reusable dog pad, 70 x 80 cm, with puppies, coral colour, 2 pcs.


The reusable pad Misoko&Co, designed for a wide range of animals, is convenient for use in teaching a pet to do natural affairs in the right place. This pad good absorbs moisture, leaving the surface dry, so the pet's feet will always be dry.

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Osebni prevzem je možen v Grajena 28C na Ptuju od pon. do pet. med 8.00 in 16.00 uro.
Paket za prevzem pripravimo običajno v roku 1 ure po oddaji naročila.
Deli s prijatelji

The reusable pad Misoko&Co, designed for a wide range of animals, is convenient for use in teaching a pet to do natural affairs in the right place. This pad good absorbs moisture, leaving the surface dry, so the pet’s feet will always be dry.

Pad is reusable. It will come in handy in teaching the pet to do natural affairs in the right place. Suitable for home use, exhibitions, kennels.

Well absorbs moisture – dry pet’s feet

Pad is of high quality, perfectly absorbs and retains moisture. It absorbs up to 500 ml of liquid, leaving the surface dry, so the pet’s feet do not soften.

Durable and economical

Reusable pad is an economical solution, as you will be able to use it more than once. In addition, it is easy to maintain – you can wash it even in water at 90°C. Can be washed more than 300 times and dried in a dryer at low temperatures or hung.

Environmentally friendly

These reusable pads are not only an economical, but also an environmentally friendly solution. By using them, you will protect the environment and contribute to a more sustainable life.

Four layers for reliable protection

The 4 layers of the sheets are designed to absorb moisture better. In addition, the lower layer of the sheet is non-slip, durable, tear-resistant and an excellent absorber of unpleasant odours.

  • 1st layer – 100 % polyester.
  • 2nd layer: 95 % polyester, 5 % viscose.
  • 3rd layer – polyurethane (PU) lamination.
  • 4th layer – 100 % polyester.

Designed for various animals

Can be used to teach both larger and smaller pets to do natural things in the right place.


  • Available dimensions: 40×50 cm, 70×80 cm, 80×140 cm.
  • The package contains 2 pcs.
  • Absorbency:
    40×50 cm – 190 ml;
    70×80 cm – 570 ml;
    80×140 cm – 1150 ml.
  • Design – dogs and paws.
  • Colour: coral.

Made in China.



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