Nail clippers TAURO Pro Line, large, 16.5 x 4.5 x 1.5 cm


It is the duty of every owner to take care of their pet's hygiene, and with the Tauro Pro Line Nail Scissors you can do it professionally and easily.

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SKU: TPLY63245

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It is the duty of every owner to take care of their pet’s hygiene, and with the Tauro Pro Line Nail Scissors you can do it professionally and easily.


The scissor blades are made of iron, which makes them extremely strong and of high quality. Clipping thicker nails does not require worrying that the scissor blades may become distorted or otherwise damaged.

Precise and sharp

Thanks to carefully molded blades, the scissors cut extremely accurately and are made to ensure maximum sharpness.

Convenient to use

The comfortable, ergonomic handle ensures that the scissors won’t slip out of your hands, even when your pet is moving.

With safety lock

The scissors have a special lock to be safely moved or otherwise exported from one place to another.


  • Dimensions: 16.5×4.5×1.5 cm.
  • Colour: dark wood.
  • For medium to large pets.

Manufacturer: Tauro Pro Line.



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