Nature’s Protection Superior Care White Dogs Grain Free Hypoallergenic Dental with White Fish Adult Vse pasme, dopolnilna brezžitna hrana – prigrizki za odrasle pse z belo ribo, 150 g


Nature’s Protection Superior Care White Dogs Grain Free Hypoallergenic Dental with White Fish Adult All breeds, complementary grain free feed – snacks for adult dogs with white fish, 150 g

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Dodaj na seznam želja
Osebni prevzem je možen v Grajena 28C na Ptuju od pon. do pet. med 8.00 in 16.00 uro.
Paket za prevzem pripravimo običajno v roku 1 ure po oddaji naročila.
Deli s prijatelji


Composition: white fish, min. 24 % (dried and finely ground), dried potatoes, bulve starch, hydrolysed feather meal, peas, seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum (6%), sorbitol, glycerin, glucose syrup, pea fiber (4 %), sodium hexametaphosphate (2 %), dynamic micronized clinoptilolite (1 %), chitosamine, inulin, green tea extract (0,5 %), minerals, probiotics Bacillus subtilis.


Feeding recommendations: Follow the feeding recommendations indicated on the product packaging.

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