Tauro Pro Line Pure Nature pet skin care powder for minor cuts and scratches


Tauro Pro Line Pure Nature 100% zeolite clinoptilolite powder is a multifunctional product that can not only effectively stop minor bleeding, but also lift the coat from the roots and provide a whitening effect.

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Osebni prevzem je možen v Grajena 28C na Ptuju od pon. do pet. med 8.00 in 16.00 uro.
Paket za prevzem pripravimo običajno v roku 1 ure po oddaji naročila.
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SKU: CAN451432

Tauro Pro Line Pure Nature 100% zeolite clinoptilolite powder is a multifunctional product that can not only effectively stop minor bleeding, but also lift the coat from the roots and provide a whitening effect.

Suitable for treating minor scratches and cuts

Due to its micro-particles, zeolite is particularly suitable for sprinkling on the wound site, as it assists in drying the wound, stopping bleeding and helping the wound heal.

Fluffy and white coat

As well as stopping bleeding, the powder can also be used as an additional treatment for your pet’s coat, lifting the coat from the roots and providing a whitening effect. This is especially comfortable during exhibitions.

Daily care and exhibitions

Convenient to use both at home and during exhibitions.


  • Net weight 30 g.


  • If necessary, apply a little powder on the skin or on small wounds.
  • Do not apply more than 5 times a day and continue until the wound heals.
  • Do not use on an open wound.

WARNINGS: Protect from children. For pets. Store the product in original container at 5-35 ℃.

Made in the European Union.



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