TAURO Pro Line Ultra Natural Care Ultimate Repair Clay Mask for dogs and cats skin and coat


Tauro Pro Line Ultra Natural Care Clay Mask is all-natural treatment for skin and coat renewal, detoxification and regeneration for dogs and cats.

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SKU: TPL47575

Tauro Pro Line Ultra Natural Care Clay Mask is all-natural treatment for skin and coat renewal, detoxification and regeneration for dogs and cats.

Contains zeolite

Zeolite is a mineral that effectively removes impurities from the skin. This mineral is not absorbed by the skin, thus, the mask absorbs all harmful substances.

With white clay

It saturates the skin with minerals while softly yet efficiently aiding in skin purification. It gently but effectively helps to purify the skin, saturating it with minerals.

Benefits for the skin

This mask can enhance skin texture and elasticity while controlling sebum secretion, preserving the skin barrier, and retaining skin hydration. The mask can also be used to prevent dandruff.

Has a favourable effect on the hair

The mask can stimulate the recovery of the follicles of existing hair thanks to its nourishing and restorative components.

Safe formula

This product is formulated with natural ingredients and is free from:

  • silicones, which might give the coat unnatural smoothness and restrict airflow to the animal’s skin and fur.
  • mineral oils, that harm the skin by blocking pores, inhibiting proper breathing and toxin removal, and other negative effects.
  • parabens, which have been linked to allergies and even disruptions in hormone balance.

Suitable for those with sensitive skin

The mask may be used on pets with sensitive skin due to its natural and friendly composition. It revitalises, detoxifies, regenerates, and soothes irritated skin and can help repair skin damage.


  • Quantity 450 g.
  • Suitable for sensitive and irritated skin.
  • For dogs and cats.
  • For all coat types.

Made in the European Union.


INGREDIENTS: zeolite (clinoptolite), kaolin clay kaolinate (white clay), French green clay (green montmorillonite).


INSTRUCTION FOR USE: Mix 3 tablespoons of clay mask powder with 200 ml of alkaline Tauro Pro Line Pure Mist or pure water. Stir well and apply to the pet’s coat and skin. Wrap the pet’s body with cling film and a towel. After 20 minutes, wash the mask off with warm water.

WARNINGS: for external use only. Avoid contact with eyes and mouth. In case of contact with eyes and mouth, rinse well with water. Keep away from children. For pets only. No possibility of overdose.

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