Bottle for animals


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Osebni prevzem je možen v Grajena 28C na Ptuju od pon. do pet. med 8.00 in 16.00 uro.
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Water is essential for the survival of all organisms. Without food, a dog or cat may survive for a while, but after losing just 10 percent of the water, the pet can become seriously ill and after losing 15 percent – even die. It is very important to ensure that the pet constantly has drinking water. This bottle neck adapter can be fitted with a variety of plastic bottles. This is really convenient since the installation of such a water tank, it can be fixed to the cage, fence or transportation box.

  • Made of acrylonitrile, butadiene, styrene (ABS), stainless steel, polypropylene (PP), rubber and brass.
  • Easy to attach to any cage, fence with gaps not wider than 15 mm, and transportation boxes.
  • Can be mounted to a dog house (there are no screws in the package).
  • Different types of plastic bottles are suitable. Just plug the bottle neck into the adapter and close it.
  • As the animal grows, water demand increases. It is therefore necessary to change the tank capacity. Simply replace the bottle with a larger plastic bottle if necessary.
  • It is convenient to take it on a trip because it does not take a lot of space.
  • Suitable for cats and dogs.
  • Pink or blue.



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