Scissors TAURO Pro Line for trimming the nails of small pets, wooden, 11 x 6 x 1 cm


It is the duty of every owner to take care of their pet's hygiene, and with the Tauro Pro Line Nail Scissors you can do it professionally and easily.

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SKU: TPLY63241

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It is the duty of every owner to take care of their pet’s hygiene, and with the Tauro Pro Line Nail Scissors you can do it professionally and easily.


The scissor blades are made of iron, which makes them extremely strong and of high quality.

Precise and sharp

Thanks to carefully molded blades, the scissors cut extremely accurately and are made to ensure maximum sharpness.

With comfortable finger support

The handle of these scissors has a protruding part, very comfortable for resting the finger when cutting the nail.

Nail clipping for small pets

The scissors are very compact and carefully made, making them suitable for clipping the nails of a wide range of small pets: cats, puppies, rodents or birds.


  • Dimensions: 11x6x1 cm.
  • Colour: dark wood.
  • For small pets.

Manufacturer: Tauro Pro Line.



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