Stand and tube, set for SHD series and dryer 2400T


Stand and pipe, set for SHD series and dryer 2400T

Stand and pipe set for fur dryers. Suitable for SHD series dryers and dryers 2400T.

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Stand and pipe, set for SHD series and dryer 2400T

Stand and pipe set for fur dryers. Suitable for SHD series dryers and dryers 2400T.

Bottom of Form

A very convenient set that will speed up and facilitate the drying process of the coat.

The set consists of a stand and a tube.

Stable construction

The handle has a four-legged stand with lockable wheels that provide more stability. External pipes are corrosion-resistant.

Flexible and comfortable design

The stand is adjustable from 83.8 to 50 inches and rotates at an angle of 360°. The holder also has a plastic handle for hanging the hose nozzles on the dryers.


High quality steel frame and base. The handle with the stand is durable.


Height: adjustable from 1-2 m.

Rotary: 360 °


Color: white



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