Tauro Pro Line interchangeable head, clipper model TPL909


Replaceable trimmer head for Tauro Pro line 909 model.

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Dodaj na seznam želja
Osebni prevzem je možen v Grajena 28C na Ptuju od pon. do pet. med 8.00 in 16.00 uro.
Paket za prevzem pripravimo običajno v roku 1 ure po oddaji naročila.
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You can find more information about the full range of the Tauro Pro Line”, history and our tips HERE.

Replaceable clipper head for Tauro Pro line 909 model.

Updating the typewriter
If your old head of the car breaks, cools down or breaks, you can buy a new replacement head.

Do you like to be ready for all your life? When you buy a replacement head, you can be sure that your work will not stop even if the old head of the clipper breaks.

Features :

  • Composition: Japanese steel blend.
  • Fits for model: Tauro Pro line 909.



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