Tauro Pro Line pet nail grinder


With its improved design and even more power, Tauro Pro Line nail grinding cutter for large and medium-sized pets will become an indispensable tool for pet owners.

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SKU: TPL63497

With its improved design and even more power, Tauro Pro Line nail grinding cutter for large and medium-sized pets will become an indispensable tool for pet owners. From now on, trimming your pet’s nails will be not a challenge, but rather a fun and easy procedure

The set includes a grinding cutter with two different plugs (suitable for EU and US) and an optional nozzle.

One head – three different systems

The high performance big head is designed for shortening the fingernails of large and medium pets, as well as for faster results.

Diamond wheel for quick grinding

The grinding cutter features a diamond rotating wheel and brass shaft for strong power and high rotational speed. This makes grinding your pet’s nails quick and efficient.

Different speed options

Depending on the size of the pet and the need for nail grinding, there are two speeds to choose from – medium or fast.

Quiet operation

The noise level of the grinding cutter is less than 60 dB. This ensures a quieter operation that is less annoying for pets – making nail clipping easier and less stressful for your pet.

Ergonomic design

The grinding cutter, thanks to its ergonomic design, is easy and convenient to hold in the hand and grind the nail in various directions.

Different plugs – convenient during travels

The kit includes two different plugs for EU and US sockets for easy use of the tool in any country.

Long battery operation after charging

The grinding cutter can be used for up to 4 hours on a full charge.

Easy operation

Let your pet smell the device and get used to it, then turn on the grinder and let him get used to the sounds it makes. As your pet gets used to it, squeeze and release the pet’s paws to expose the claws. Once you have done this, gently grind your pet’s nails by adjusting the grinding angle.


  • Up to 4 hours on a full charge.
  • Speed – 7500/8000 rpm.
  • LED indicator.
  • Capacity – 1400 mAH.
  • Time of use – up to 500 hours
  • Power – 5 W.
  • Lithium battery.
  • Noise level – less than 60 dB.
  • 2 plugs – compliant with European and US standards.
  • Ergonomic handle.
  • Colour – white.

Made in China acc. to special order of Tauro Pro Line.



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